29 May MEMSCAP SOIMUMPS – University of Malta
Design of an Indirect-Drive Electrostatic Micromirror
University of Malta – Department of Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics, Msida, Malta
Russell Farrugia
Prof. Ivan Grech, Prof. Joseph Micallef
Die size
9mm × 9mm
In this project, three scanning micro-mirrors were designed for high performance optical projection applications such as embedded pico-projectors and automotive head-up displays. The 1mm-diameter scanning mirrors are operated at resonance using angular vertical comb-drive structures made possible by the SOIMUMPs process. The designs consist of support structures intended to minimize mirror dynamic deformation encountered during high frequency torsional oscillations.
Figure 1 shows the layout of the complete chip, whereby duplicates of the mirror designs were included in order to measure the effect of the deposited reflective coating (SOIMUMPs Blanket Metal layer) on the static mirror curvature.
The non-linear harmonic response and the quality factor of the micro-mirror were evaluated using the optical measurement system shown in Figure 3, which, consists of a 2D position sensing detector (PSD), HeNe laser source and a high voltage amplifier.

EUROPRACTICE provides doctoral students, researchers and academics with access to state-of-the-art MPW foundry services for the fabrication of MEMS/MOEMS device prototypes. The University of Malta has always been provided with the necessary technical feedback and expertise at every stage of the chip design process.